For renault, the Spanish Grand Prix gave the perfect riposte to those who had suggested the team had lost their edge, and that ferrari's recent improvement in form marked a fundamental shift in formula one's balance of power. 对于雷诺来说,西班牙大奖赛正好完美地驳斥了那些认为车队已经失去优势,并且法拉利最近状态的回升已经让一级方程式的力量均衡发生重大转变的人。
Ferrari says it will not compete in next year's Formula One championships if new technical rules stay in place. 坚持不变法拉利车组说假如新的手艺规则不改动的话,车队将不会参与来岁的一级方程式赛车锦标赛。
Seven time world champion Michael Schumacher enjoyed a day of shopping in Milan before attending the launch of Ferrari's new formula one car for2007. 七冠王迈克尔·舒马赫在出席法拉利2007新车发布会之前去米兰享受了购物的乐趣。